s 3o
rogaška slatina

Poslovni prostor
Office space
Rogaška slatina

V centru Rogaške Slatine:

Oddamo ali prodamo poslovni prostor
- bivšo ordinacijo, ambulanto

Oddamo poslovni prostor

Office space - doctor's surgery for rent or sell

Office space - doctor's surgery for rent or sell

Ordinacijo, vse vrste terapij, masažo, pedikuro, alternativno medicino.

Računovodski servis, biro, studio, svetovanje in posredovanje, mirno dejavnost.

Doctor's surgery, All sorts of therapies, Massages, Pedicure, Alternative medicine.

Accounting firm, Office, Studio, Consulting and mediation, Quiet activities.



Vhod iz pešaške ulice. Proti vhodu. V ordinacijo.
Po stopnicah dol.. Skiozi vhod. In Laboratorij.


The surgery

64 m2 uporabne površine.
Skupnih prostorov je 90 m2.

Čakalnica je skupna in jo uporabljajo tudi pacienti drugih ordinacij.

Prostor je lociran v polkleti
ob bazenskem kompleksu.

Dostop je iz ulice za pešce, iz parkirišča ob restavraciji in parkirišča ob novi cesti.

Objekt upravlja Stanovanjsko podjetje Konjice d.o.o.

Has 64 m2 of usable area,
Comon space is 90 m2.

The waiting space is common and it is used by other offices too.

Office is located in half cellar.

Access is from the pedestrian street, from parking in front of the restaurant, as well from parking by the new road.

The building is maintained by Stanovanjsko podjetje Konjice d.o.o.

Ambulanta v objektu.



Center Sonce
se nahaja v cetru Rogaške Slatine,
ob promenadi na stari cesti,
med zdraviliškim parkom in
Restavracijo Sonce.

The shopping mall "Sonce"
is located in the center of Rogaška Slatina,
at the end of the pedistrian street,
beneth the spa and
restavrant Sonce.



Najemnina se plača vsak mesec v naprej!

Obratovalni stroški se plačajo po položnici dobavitelja!

Odpoved najema se javi vsaj 3 mesece v naprej!


Rent is paid every month in advance!

Operating costs are paid at the supplier's post!

The rent cancellation is announced 3 month in advance !






Your Name:

Your e-mail:

Your Comment:


Skupna kuhinja.

Shared kitchen


Skupne sanitarije.

Shared toilets.


Skupna čakalnica.

Shared waiting room.

Osnutek Pogodbe

Pogodba se sklene za določen čas, z možnostjo podaljševanja.

Če ni drugače dogovorjeno se najemnina nakaže za vsak mesec v naprej, 1. v mesecu na tekoči račun lastnika.

Redne mesečne stroške plačuje

Odpovedni rok je 3 mesece.

Razlogov za odpoved pogodbe ni potrebno podajati.

Draft of Agreement

The contract is concluded for a fixed period, with the possibility of extension.

Unless otherwise agreed, the rent is paid for each month in advance, on the 1st of the month, to the current account of the owner.

Regular monthly expenses are paid by the lessee.

Cancellation deadline is 3 months.

There is no need to specify the reasons for canceling the contract.