Najemnina se plača vsak mesec v naprej!
Obratovalni stroški se plačajo po položnici dobavitelja!
Odpoved najema se javi vsaj 3 mesece v naprej!
Rent is paid every month in advance!
Operating costs are paid at the supplier's post!
The rent cancellation is announced 3 month in advance !
Skupna kuhinja.
Shared kitchen
Skupne sanitarije.
Shared toilets.
Skupna čakalnica.
Shared waiting room.
Pogodba se sklene za določen čas, z možnostjo podaljševanja.
Če ni drugače dogovorjeno se najemnina nakaže za vsak mesec v naprej, 1. v mesecu na tekoči račun lastnika.
Redne mesečne stroške plačuje
Odpovedni rok je 3 mesece.
Razlogov za odpoved pogodbe ni potrebno podajati.
The contract is concluded for a fixed period, with the possibility of extension.
Unless otherwise agreed, the rent is paid for each month in advance, on the 1st of the month, to the current account of the owner.
Regular monthly expenses are paid by the lessee.
Cancellation deadline is 3 months.
There is no need to specify the reasons for canceling the contract.